Monday, February 27, 2017

Cleaning Routine!

Hey guys! Today I want to talk about something all of us stay at home moms just LOVE to do (NOT!) cleaning. I feel like everyday I have to reclean my house no matter what I do. So I wanted to share with you guys my favorite cleaning products, what I like to do while I'm cleaning and just talk about it. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Method products that being said I can't always afford to use just method. So when I get to it's awesome but when I don't I'm using mean green, Lysol lemon scent, dollar general wipes, dawn dishsoap and I just recently switched from tide pods to the target brand laundry soap. I always start my day by doing my dishes. I start with all of Scarletts bottles. I wash them and then put them in the medela quick clean bags to sanatize them. Then I take my cleaning wipes or spray depending and do all of my counter tops and stove. I sweep my kitchen floors and then mop with Lysol. I then move to my living room where I pick up all of paisleys toys shes had out from the night before or the day already. I wipe the tv off and then sweep and mop those floors. I usually will go into Paisleys room next get all her toys put in the bins, make the bed, and then vaccum. Then the bathroom I wipe down the counters with the wipes or spray and I clean the toilet and do the floors. I spray the shower with mean green and then once a month I will clean the shower with a dawn dish soap and vinegar mix to do a deep clean. I then go to my room if I didn't make the bed when I got up I will do that and then get all the cups or soda cans out of the room and wipe down all the desks and counters and vaccum. I try to do at least one load of laundry every day also. I have some videos up on my YOUTUBE channel of past cleaning routines and videos if you want to check those out I'll leave the link down below. Let me know your favorite cleaning products!!

YOUTUBE: TheSchuhFamily

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Life of Schuhs

Hey there!
My name is Jennafer Schuh and I'm starting a blog! Ok that was pretty obviously I suppose though. I'm 24 years old and I'm a married mom of two daughters. I have a YouTube channel that I barely can keep up with so I thought maybe I'd throw up a blog because I can find time to type of my crazy days more than I can video tape them. I got married to my high school sweetheart (kind of) on May 28,2016. My husbands name is Ryan and he is 26 years old. We met in an interesting way aka Myspace. Yes Myspace now I'm showing my age haha. I left high school and finished it online and he wasn't in school either. That's why I say high school sweethearts kind of because I was turning 17 and he was turning 19. We started dating May 28,2010 and it was all over from there. We had our beautiful daughter Paisley March 6,2013. She was a six pound buddle of love and we've had a blast watching her turn into the crazy, singing and dancing fool that she is. We got married May 28.2016 and soon after we got pregnant with our second daughter Scarlett. I had a smoother pregnancy for the most part with Scarlett until about 28 or 29 weeks along. I started having bad chest pains and went to our local hospital where my blood pressure was up to 171/100 and they thought it was fine and just my gallbladder. I went for my follow up and my midwife said I was too small and sent me for a growth sono at 32 weeks where my dr found our daughter to only be about two pound and he said she was breech and her fluids were too low. I was then sent to a specialist and was told I had to be admitted and get steroids to develop her lungs for two days and then I was having a c section at 33 weeks and 3 days. January 26,2017 my Scarlett came into the world at two pounds two ounces. She spent 27 days in the NICU but I'll make a whole other post talking about NICU stays and being a parent of the NICU. We are now home and ready for life of two children and one having a lot of appointments and a crazy schedule! Follow our journey (:

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